Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Pride of Life from 'Girl Frenzs'

Straight Talk
pages 230-239
by Bridgette Billingsley

Girl frenzs, there is nothing more beautiful than a newborn baby coming into the world, watching that child take their first breath shortly after the doctor spanks them on their bottoms. Isn’t amazing how a woman carries a baby in her stomach for nine months until the baby is fully developed, then the baby will come out whether the mother is ready to deliver or not.

Childbirth is a process; it’s a certain order that has to be implemented before the mother can deliver. Sometimes, circumstances and things happen during the process that causes the mother to deliver early. During the pregnancy, the mother and baby(ies) are one flesh. The unborn fetus is dependent upon the mother to survive. That’s the way it is with us and God. 

Just think about human life for a moment. We are made from liquid (sperm) and eggs (female reproductive organ). Isn’t that amazing? A human life like you and I made from liquid and eggs. You know, girl frenzs, God put all of our organs and different body parts inside us. He brought Adam, the first of his creations, to life from dirt. Adam didn’t exist until God formed him from the ground, breathed life into his nostrils the breath of life, then Adam became alive. He created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs. That’s why we are called wo-man because we were created from the womb of man. 

God is amazing to me. I get so excited just thinking how our Father in heaven can just speak something and it will come to past. Adam and Eve were the first two human beings that God created, and guess what, they didn’t come about from sperm and eggs, but their children Cain and Abel did. What I’m trying to get you to understand, girl frenzs, is that God is magnificent; he can do anything! There is no other God or human being that can create life from dirt. Do you agree? Only the true and living God can do that.

Girl frenzs, do you ever think about how Jesus left heaven and came to earth in the womb of a woman? Think about it for a minute. Jesus was in heaven with God, sitting on the right hand side of God. After God created the world, he created Adam and Eve. They disobeyed God’s commandments in the Garden of Eden. God put them out of the garden. Their seed multiplied after they became sexually connected. Adam and Eve through their disobedience to God, sinned, entered the world. Before they disobeyed God there was no sin in the world.

 Throughout the Old Testament, people offered animal sacrifices for their sins. God accepted their sacrifices and forgave their them over and over again. Girl frenzs, open up your Bible and read some of the Old Testament books and see for yourself how ungodly people were and disobedient. They were to God before Christ came down to earth. God was then and still is now patient and slow to anger. 

God became so disappointed with the way people were living on earth and their disobedience he was going to destroy the world. God refused burnt animal sacrifices any longer from his people. No one on earth had any other sacrifices to offer up to God on our behalf. So, God decided he would provide a sacrifice that would return the world and mankind back to him. Jesus was the answer for the salvation of the world.

Can you picture Jesus’s face when God his father asked him to come to earth and live among his people? Can you picture Jesus’s face when God his father asked him to give his life as an offering to him? Can you picture Jesus’s face God the father told him he would have to come to earth as an unborn infant?

Jesus was obedient, he didn’t refuse his father not one time.

Imagine if God would ask some of us to do what he asked Jesus to do.

Can you imagine some of the responses he would get. Such as, “No way I’m going to die for those folks” or “Lord, you got to be kidding me. I don’t know those people, they’re on their own.”

“You want me to be a baby in somebody’s stomach! Oh, no way. I can’t do that.”

“Lord, you know I would if I could, but you caught me at a bad time, check with me later on.”

Girl frenzs, you know how crazy and proud people are today; they might come up with all kinds of crazy answers.

Jesus, as humble as he is, took on the form of an unborn fetus and was placed in Mary’s stomach by God the Father and the Holy spirit, and stayed there until Mary gave birth.  Girl friends, that’s good news to my soul. Thank you, Lord! Can you imagine Jesus our Lord and Savior, God’s precious cargo being placed in a virgin’s womb and being born into this world?

Girl frenzs, there’s nothing more beautiful than a newborn baby coming into the world. Jesus willingly left his home in heaven to come down to this cruel world and live among ungodly people. Jesus had everything in heaven. He had riches, he had powers, he had authority over the angels, he had love everlasting. He had life everlasting, and he had a loving and powerful father who loved him exclusively. But he willingly gave up everything to come down here on earth to be hated, mistreated, and beaten to death by the very people he was asked by his father God to come and save. 

Girl frenzs, isn’t that something! Can you see Jesus in your mind as a precious little baby. I know he was the most beautiful baby ever born in the history of mankind. The Bible says, “God loved us so much that he gave his only son.” God didn’t want to destroy the world. He lives you and I (Jn 3:16 kjv).

 Girl frenzs, if this chapter doesn’t help you to see how much God loves you, then you will probably never ever know. 

Girl Talk

Girl frenzs, Mary was a virgin, a clean vessel for Jesus to dwell. Remember I told you, God’s spirit can’t dwell in an unclean temple, meaning our bodies.  God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one. When sent to earth in the form of an unborn fetus, he could not put baby Jesus in just any body. The body he chose to carry his precious son was clean and had never been touched by a man. God wants us to keep our temples clean so his Holy Spirit can dwell inside us. It’s our comforter; it leads us and guides us in the world.

God found favor in Mary. He sent an angel to tell Mary that she would give birth to the son of the most high God. Can you imagine how afraid Mary probably was when she got the news that she was going to have a baby? Mary knew she was virgin!

 Read the story about Mary in Luke 1:26-38. Mary was a servant, a yielding vessel, allowing God to use her as he so pleased. Girl frenzs, we need to have the same attitude as Mary and allow God to use us for his glory. 

Soon after Jesus was born, his life was threatened by King Herro of Egypt. God’s angel appeared to Joseph and told him what God wanted him to do. Joseph didn’t ask any questions; he did exactly what the angel told him in a dream. Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus escaped Egypt safely. Jesus grew up just like us in a fleshy body. He was a child; he grew and became strong and filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. At the age of twelve years, Jesus was in the churches, sitting around older men listening to them and asking questions.

Jesus didn’t do things other children his age did, such as play. From the time he was old enough to talk, he was all about doing the work he was sent from heaven to do. Girl frenzs, you do realize that Jesus was God in the flesh? Can you grasp that! God took on a fleshy form to come down and save us. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one. It's called the Trinity. They are the one in the same body. 

Girl frenzs, God’s powers are so great our small brains won’t ever be able to comprehend his greatness and the magnitude of who he is. He’s God all by himself. He doesn’t need us, we need him. He’s the creator. He hung the moon and the stars in the sky. He’s huge!

Girl frenzs, when we say yes to God without hesitation, concerning his will for our lives, God will bless us for being his servants. God wants to use us, but we have to be yielding, clean vessels ready to be used. Mary the mother of Jesus was blessed above whatever she dreamed. Mary was proud to give birth to our savior; she knew God would take care of her. Mary will forever be called blessed by everyone who knows her or reads about her. Mary received the greatest honor God can pay.

Girl frenzs, Jesus understands our every weakness because he was tempered in every way that we are today. But Jesus did not sin. Whenever we’re going through rough times, we should go boldly to God and ask for his mercy and grace upon our lives. God will be kind and help us.

God sent Jesus to bring his message to us. God created the universe by his son; Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being. Jesus holds the world together by his own powerful words. After he did what he had to do on the cross to wash away our sins, he sat down on the right hand side of God Almighty in glorious heaven.

The scripture says, “When God brings his firstborn son into the world he commands all his angels worship him.”

“When God speaks about the angels, he says, “I change my angels into wind and my servants into flaming fire.” 

God never said to any of his angels “sit at my right side until I make your enemies a footstool for you!” This footstool is underneath Jesus’ feet, meaning “hell.” All those who are Christ’s

enemies will be under his precious feet at the end. God’s angels are merely spirits sent to serve people who are going to be saved. Isn’t that great! God sends angels to help us along the way, and we have the Holy Spirit leading us, and guiding us into the truth.

Spiritual Talk

 Girl frenzs, I hope you remember how much God and Jesus love you! When you understand the depth of their love, it will help you stay faithful to God and Christ. God made Jesus lower than the angels when he came on earth to die for the sins of the world. God crowned Jesus with glory and honor and put everything under his feet, because he suffered death so that by the grace of God, he might taste death for everyone. 

We are merely people of flesh and blood. When Jesus became like us, when he died, his work and mission was to go down to the pit and destroy the devil. He also rescued souls that were held in slavery by their fear of death. Jesus came to help us. He had to become like us to serve God as our merciful and faithful high priest and living sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin.

 Jesus paid the ultimate price for us. His death. Without his shedding blood, we would all be dead and lost in sin forever.

 Girl frenzs, we all must learn to let go of all our foolish pride. We walk around putting ourselves above others, thinking we’re all that and a bag of chips. We’re nothing without Christ in our lives. Nothing!

 Pride has deceived many people to think all they need is a good education and a good paying job, and that’s all that matters in this life. Making a lot of money and living large isn’t anything without Christ in your life. Nothing!

Girl frenzs, don’t you know the devil was a beautiful angel; he was the head angel in charge of praise before he got all puffed up with pride. He was called Lucifer. He wanted to be greater than God and got kicked out of heaven. You have to realize, girl frenzs, God is the source of where we receive all our blessings. God owns everything on earth. We have to humble ourselves and allow God to use us for his will.

 Stop saying what you’re not going to do and start saying yes to God. God gave us his very best, and you without a shadow of a doubt Jesus is the best gift ever given in the world. Don’t you want to give your best to God in return? There’s plenty of work to be done yet in these last days, but the workers are few.

Let’s all of us stop fooling around and start getting serious about the work of the Lord. What we do for the Lord is all that’s going to matter when we are before God in the day of judgement.

 I know when I face God I would love to hear him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant, enter into my rest.” We all have to work for the Lord! Let’s get busy! Jesus had a purpose when he came to earth and so do we. We’re not here to just live mediocre lives. We’re fooling ourselves when we think God is going to accept anything from us that’s not our best. We have to make an effort to give our best to God! 

Mediation questions for this chapter:

Girl frenzs, are you living a mediocre life, just hanging around taking up space in the world? What are you doing that contributes to the work of the Lord?

 Girl frenzs, are you willing to be a yielded vessel for the Lord to use for his glory? Why? Why not?

Girl frenzs, are you willing to pray and ask God what it is he wants you to do in his Kingdom? Why? Why not?

Girl Frenzs
By Bridgette Billingsley
Tate Publication, 2014
book can be purchased on Amazon

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