Fannie Lou Hamer |
“I'm tired of
being sick and tired."
Fannie Lou Hamer, civil rights activist from Mississippi
Life has a sneaky way of poking people in the eye when they least
expect it. During this 2016 election season Americans have been thrown into
another guerrilla fight, in which bitchy wisecracking, outright lying and rolling
eyes are weapons of choice. Experienced and novice politicians still have not
learned how to run for president like adults.
They have not learned to hire a civil tongue when criticizing their rivals.
Here in America presidential elections and conventions have become colorful
circuses televised worldwide.
The circus performers never stop jabbing at each; boorishly insulting
each other for fear of becoming irrelevant during their bid for the presidency.
To make the Donkey and Elephant theatrics more interesting and emotionally
stimulating a couple of present day candidates have thrown in heaping spoonsful of racism and finger pointing at minorities to elevate the blood pressure of
their avid supporters. This kind of spoon-fed race baiting is ideal for White
folks, who relish blaming “others” for their financial and personal problems. Prior
to blaming Mexican immigrants for their troubles, such as snatching employment
opportunities away from them---African Americans were the culprits. I never realized that White folks competed with Mexican laborers.
Although White folks in America have always had the help of affirmative action to strengthen
and boost their bootstraps, they do not feel that Black
folks should have access to affirmative action bootstraps. They would prefer
that Blacks be happy campers with no rights of any kind. And then up pops the civil
rights movement, coming full force with demands to be strands of thread in that
huge quilt called politics. Demanding the right to vote pushed White folks over
the edge, especially in the Deep South. For several years White politicians
have schemed to keep Black Democrats out of the process, making it difficult
for them to register and vote the same day. Republicans actually wish the Democratic Party would go away.
52 years later nothing has changed
except the players
Here we are 52 years later, listening to the same old words
from new and old mouths. Here we are in 2016 observing the 1964 presidential
election being replayed, and breathtakingly written about by the media as if it
were brand new. The only thing different is the cast of characters pandering for
votes, applause, mindless adoration and public approval. The deaths of racism
and bigotry have been greatly exaggerated. Neither of them died, for sure, with the election
Barack Obama, an African American, as president of the United States.
In 1964 President Lyndon Baines Johnson, a Jekyll and Hyde, had public and private personalities, was running for re-election. He would
fit in comfortably with today’s GOP candidates, and what they are telling
voters. White Southerners believe they are losing “their” America to Black
folks. With the election of Barack Obama, White folks are told by White
politicians that they, a majority people of the highest order, have been
marginalized and forgotten about in favor of African Americans.
Just what scared White people you might be asking. The fear
started in 1964 when Black civil rights activists and leaders from
Mississippi and other southern states wanted to register to vote. They also
wanted to be seated as delegates at the Democrats National Convention. This did
not make Johnson happy. His mouth espoused one thing, the legislation he signed
into law said something else. He was the manifestation of Jekyll and Hyde contradicting
each other, as seen in today’s GOP crop of presidential candidates.
had shifted from worrying about the response of liberal Northerners to the
seating of segregationists to worrying about the backlash among Whites
everywhere if angry Blacks and their White supporters dominated the convention
“I think the Negroes are going back
to Reconstruction period, they're going to set themselves back a hundred years
. . . and I'm just trying to get a vice president for them . . . and here these
folks go get everybody upset. . . . Hell, the Northerners are more upset . . . they wire me to tell me the Negroes are taking over the country, they're running the
White House, they're running the Democratic Party . . . it's not
Mississippi and Alabama anymore . . . you're catching hell from Michigan, Ohio,
Philadelphia, New York, that nearly every White man in this country would be
frightened if he thought the Negroes were going to take him over. . . . We
can't ever buy spots that'll equal this. . . . We've got five million budgeted
but we can't undo what they've done these past few days”.
Lyndon Johnson, Donald Trump, Ted
Change the candidate from a
duplicitous Lyndon Johnson to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz; flip the “enemy” from
African Americans to Mexicans, and we have the 1964 presidential election. White people proclaimed in 2009, “We want our
country back!”; “Blacks have taken over the White House!”; “Democrats stole the
presidential election!” It seems they lost their collective minds when Barack
Obama was elected president. Demands for “return of their America” intensified
with his re-election. As a result of this anger, White pundits have predicted there will never be another
Black person elected president in the U. S.
When Donald Trump announced his bid for the presidency last
year the media and GOP did not take him seriously. He was supposed to be a
flash in the pan. The pan stayed on the stove, and the flash became a huge headache.
Republicans do not know to shit or go blind. The adage is apropos for what is
happening to the GOP. Republicans can thank Trump and his evil twin Ted Cruz
for the shit or go blind analogy.
In addition to trying to bully, threaten, and offend his way
into the White House, Trump is challenging GOP bigwigs. He wants them to flush
down the toilet, all prior rules for nominating a candidate. He wants it done
before the upcoming National Convention in Ohio in July. Trump said earlier
that he and his supporters will not stand by and let the GOP take the
nomination away from him. Trump does care about the delegates count. He is
demanding that they nominate him regardless, come hell or high water.
Like Trump, Lyndon Johnson was determined he was not going to let
activists or rivals block his nomination at the Democratic convention, even if
it meant favoring White delegates over the 64 Black and four White
Trump expects to arrive at the informal ball with the largest
number of delegates, not the 1,237 required for the nomination. He is already making
his case to voters in advance. Ted Cruz, a Texas senator, and John Kasich, governor
of Ohio, are saying to Trump: “Hold on there, buster! This circus has more action
clowns than you!” The duo is hoping for a contested convention to elevate their
chances of getting the treasured nomination.
At least the 2016 delegates will be assigned seats and voting
privileges at the GOP convention. That was not always the case for Black citizens
living in Deep South states, where Whites would not relinquish their old ways
of discrimination and control. Years after slavery Blacks were not allowed to
vote or participate in Whites only primaries. Just organizing to get Blacks
registered often ended in deaths for a mixture of young and older activists,
Black and White.
Contentious Democratic convention and
seating of segregated
Fannie Hamer and Ella Baker, 1964 |
The GOP convention is slated to be contentious according to
Trump and his supporters. One earlier contentious convention occurred in 1964. Democrat
Lyndon B. Johnson was the incumbent president. He fell into the presidency after John
Kennedy was assassinated November 1963 in Dallas, Texas. As VP Johnson automatically
reversed roles, serving out Kennedy’s term. Just like politicians dislike
Republican Ted Cruz, Washington politicians also disliked the brash,
up-in-your-face Texan.
Denial of delegate seats to the Mississippi Freedom Democratic
Party (MFDP) at the National Democratic Convention caused Fannie Lou Hamer, the
daughter of a Mississippi sharecropper, armed only with a sixth grade
education, to question America after Johnson’s scheme to stop them from
testifying before the Credentials Committee. They were invited to testify about
political discrimination, the obstacles that slapped them in the face whenever they
attempted to register to vote, having to pick an amendment in the Constitution and
explain it. MFDP’s objective was to convince the Committee to seat them as
delegates representing Mississippi. The convention was being held in Atlantic
City, New Jersey.
“While the student volunteers knocked on door and taught
classes, Hamer was busy with the MFDP. The party held its own conventions at
the precinct, county and state levels to select a group to send to Atlantic
City in August, where they would challenge the seating of the all-White
Mississippi delegates at the Democratic National Convention. Hamer was elected
vice chair of the integrated delegation, which consisted of 64 Black members
and four White members”. (PBS)
The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party was formed April 26, 1964 with the help of Hamer.
It was part of the Mississippi Summer Project that attracted college students
who traveled to Mississippi to work with local civil rights activists. The majority
of the students were White and from the North.
Johnson does not want to alienate Dixiecrats
Learning about the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party’s reason for testifying before the
Credentials Committee, Johnson
Hubert Humphrey |
promptly dispatched his VP pick, Hubert Humphrey,
to convince the group that now was not the right time to seat Black delegates
at the convention. Johnson knew he could alienate White Southern Democrats, all
instrumental to his first full-term election. The MFDP had to get 10 percent of
the Committee on their side.
Texas governor, John Connally, admonished Johnson that if he
seated “those Black buggers the whole South will walk out” of the convention.
Being a native Texan aware of Southern politicians and their racially charged
dialect, I guarantee you the governor did not call the Black Mississippians buggers.
“Nonetheless, under pressure from Johnson and Hubert Humphrey,
members of the Credentials Committee dropped their support for the MFDP. As a
conciliatory gesture, Democratic officials offered two-at-large seats to MFDP
representatives, though Humphrey made it clear Johnson would not stand for one
of the seat going to Hamer. The President has said he will not let that
illiterate woman speak on the floor of the Democratic convention”. (PBS)
Johnson said, according to American Legacy, “If we mess with
this group of Negroes . . . we will lose 15 states without even campaigning”. Johnson pushed a compromise.
The so-called “compromise” made it clear that the Mississippi Freedom Democratic
Party had to agree to accept the two guest seats on the convention floor. However,
they could not vote; they had no voice or power. All they could do was sit and
observe White delegates participate in the process. Another condition for
sitting in the worthless seats was that they had to sign an oath of loyalty to
the Democratic ticket. The MFDP roundly rejected the compromise.
Not all civil rights leaders concurred with the MDFP. “One
after another, the big names of the civil rights movement appeared before the
Mississippians, telling them they didn’t know a victory when they saw one and
urging them not to damage the electoral chances of Johnson and other Democratic
leaders”. (American Legacy, 2001)
Humphrey threw in his two cents worth of advice. Humphrey
appealed to the MFDP leaders to accept the proposal. He supported their cause,
he told them. Johnson made it clear to Humphrey that he did not want a floor
fight at the convention. Fannie Lou Hamer shook her head in disappointment.
Hamer said to Humphrey, “Senator Humphrey, I been praying about
you, and I been thinking about you, and you’re a good man, and you know what’s right.
The trouble is, you’re afraid to do what you know is right. You just want the
job. . . . Mr. Humphrey, if you take this job, you won’t be worth anything”.
“I’m not going to stoop to no two votes at large,” Hamer said
of the new offer. The majority of the delegation agreed. “Once again, Whites
were telling Blacks what to do. In this case it was White liberals, who had
supported an end to discrimination and segregation, but on their own terms and
The MFDP was so furious that it marched that night into the
convention hall singing the now famous civil rights song, We Shall Overcome. “With credentials given them by sympathetic
delegates, Hamer, Victoria Gray, and 20 other Mississippi insurgents slipped in
an sat in seats vacated by the regular Mississippi delegation, most of whom
declined to take the loyalty oath mandated by the compromise and had left for
The determined activists refused to relinquish the seats when
the sergeants-at-arms asked them to leave. “Surrounded by swarms of television
correspondents and cameraman, they denounced the hypocrisy of a President and
party that professed their commitment to civil rights, but refused to
acknowledge an integrated group of delegates fully supported of Democratic
Party principles and policies”. (American Legacy, 2001)
The MFDP returned to Mississippi to continue their purpose of
registering Black Mississippians to vote. Hamer’s testimony lifted her profile,
and she was soon in demand as a speaker.
His Texas eyes on the MFDP, Johnson goes
into full hypocrisy mode
President Lyndon Johnson |
Johnson was fearful that his ultra conservative rival Barry
Goldwater would reach for the racial bag of tricks, pulling out a doozy that
would work against his re-election bid. There had been a number of riots due to
police brutality. On July 16, 1964 a Black man was shot and killed by a White
cop, sparking six nights of rioting in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Jersey
City. This shooting was an accumulation of many police shootings and physical abuse
heaped on African Americans by White police nationwide.
What the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party did not know is that behind the scenes Johnson had
gone into full ruin and vanquish mode. With all the power of the U.S. government on his
side, Johnson was cognizant that the Black activists from Mississippi were
climbing up a greased hill. American Legacy reported, “He was determined that
nothing would mar his party’s coronation of him as its 1964 standard
bearer---or his chances for victory in November. Despite his approval rating of
nearly 70 percent in the polls, he was convinced that a floor fight over
seating the MFDP would cost him the South and the election”.
Johnson was concerned that the Freedom Democratic Party would
wield enough influence at the convention to persuade Southern states to break
their allegiance to him. He was scared that Mississippi Democrats would vote
for Republican Barry Goldwater, a staunch conservative from Arizona.
Lyndon Johnson did not understand why Black folks were not
satisfied with all he had done for them. They were just downright ungrateful! He
had secured passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He did not understand why Blacks
did not kiss his Texas boots. Johnson did
understand the fine art underhandedness, which did not work in his favor.
President Johnson had the FBI tap MFDP headquarter phones. He
wanted to get an upper hand on the organization, Dr. Martin Luther King, the
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) before they knew he had the
goods on them. Agents impersonating reporters fished for, and compiled
information on civil rights leaders and activists. Their catch was delivered to
Johnson. Members of the Credentials Committee were threatened with the loss of
their government jobs if they did not deny the MFDP seats on the convention
Johnson was pissed about this hole in his bucket. He had to
thwart the MFDP’s testimonies. While Hamer was testifying he called a hasty
press conference at the White House to distract the media’s attention, taking
it away from Hamer. Johnson’s plan worked but it later boomeranged. Hamer made
history with her testimony. So touching and condemning was her August 22
testimony that all of the evening news programs played her testimony in full, unedited.
Hamer destroyed the picture of perfect harmony among Democrats. Disarray is not
what President Johnson wanted portrayed on TV.
The media said of Hamer: “Her testimony was compelling enough
for many evening news
Fannie Hamer testifies |
programs broadcast it, incidentally granting it a much
larger audience. Hamer held the Committee’s attention as she spoke from memory
about her eviction from the Marlow plantation and her brutal beating in the
Winona jail.
After no less than 10 minutes she concluded: “The Freedom Democratic Party is not seated, now I question
America. Is this America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, where
we have to sleep with our telephones off the hooks because our lives be
threatened daily, because we want to live as decent human beings in America”.
Lyndon Johnson won re-relection in a landslide.
Fannie Lou Hamer
Born October 6, 1917, Fannie Lou Townsend was one of 20
children born to sharecroppers James Lee and Ella Townsend in rural Montgomery
County, Mississippi, October 6, 1917. Townsend was not an educated woman. She
dropped out of school at an early age to pick cotton and to help her financially
strapped family survive. The Townsends lived and worked on a plantation owned
by W. D. Marlow, near Ruleville in Sunflower County. Because she could read and write the
plantation owner appointed her timekeeper.
Fannie married Perry “Pap” Hamer in 1944. He was a tractor
driver on the same plantation. The couple did not have children of their own. At
some point Hamer entered the North Sunflower County Hospital to have an appendectomy
operation. She emerged from the hospital a sterile woman.
In the 1960s poor women living in the South went to hospitals
for minor surgery and ended up getting hysterectomies without their consent or
knowledge. Some women’s tube were tied. Eugenics was a government secret and
poor women and men were targeted because they were considered undesirables, and
the government did not want them to procreate.
Hamer and Perry adopted two
girls whose family could not provide for them.
Fannie Lou Townsend Hamer made her bones in politics in 1962
when she hooked up with civil rights activists in Mississippi. The group that
she worked with called themselves the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
(SNCC). When the plantation owner learned that Hamer had registered to vote, he
ordered her to leave the plantation.
He ordered Hamer to withdraw her voter registration. She
refused, telling him: “I didn’t go down
there to register for you. I went down there to register for myself”. Down
there was a bus ride to the county seat of Indianola with 17 neighbors and
Fannie Hamer speaks to c outside the Capital in Washington, Sept. 17, 1965 |
June 9, 1963 Hamer and fellow colleagues were returning home
from a citizenship training session in Charleston, South Carolina. Their bus
was stopped in Winona, Mississippi. “In an act of protest, several members of
the group sat at the bus station’s White’s only lunch counter. Before long the
police removed them from the café, arresting six people. In jail, several of
the activists were beaten by the police and by other African Americans inmates,
whom the police forced to use blackjacks as weapons. The damage done to Hamer’s eyes,
legs and kidneys would affect her for the rest of her life”. (PBS)
Hamer talked about the jail house
beatings when she testified in front of the Credentials Committee. She recalled the brutal beating at the hands of two Black prisoners: “ . . . I was carried
out of that cell into another cell where they had two Negro prisoners. The
State Highway Patrolmen ordered the first Negro to take the blackjack.
“The first Negro prisoner ordered
me, by orders from the State Highway Patrolman, for me to lay down on a bunk
bed on my face. I laid on my face and
the first Negro began to beat. I was beat by the first Negro until he was
exhausted. I was holding my hands behind me at that time on my left side,
because I suffered from polio when I was six years old”. These Black jail house abusers did not break Hamer's spirit.
Hamer ran for State Senator in 1971, District 11, Bolivar and
Sunflower Counties. She lost the race but not her zest to fight for what was
right, stepping in where she saw civil rights being violated and denied to
Black Mississippians.
Hamer, who was threatened with death many times was diagnosed
to have breast cancer in 1976. She continued her purpose until she was
hospitalized. She died March 17, 1977 at age 59. U.S. delegate to the United Nations,
Andrew Young, Jr., delivered Hamer’s eulogy at her funeral. Ella Baker (above photo) of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and several noted civil rights leaders spoke at Hamer's funeral in celebration of the life she lived.