This billboard is not only printed in hundreds of newspapers in the U. S., but in foreign papers, too. The world is watching the racist treatment and profound contempt shown President Obama by White Americans.
Snover said he would like to take the poster on the road. He wants the one in Colorado to remain up until November 2. In addition to getting hate filled emails, Snover said he is getting donations from various donors who want the Colorado billboard to stay in place. According to Charles Ashby, The Daily Sentinel, Oct. 15, Snover said, “. . . the person who paid for it hoped to highlight elements of the president’s agenda, and everything in it is intended to be symbolic and shouldn’t be taken literally.
“It’s not that Obama is a terrorist or a gangster, it’s that mentality that seems to come across from him and his administration,” said Snover, who said more than half of the comments he has received have been positive.
“The Mexican drug smuggler, it’s the border issue in Arizona and him not willing to take it on and handle the situation. And with the gay problem, it’s the social justice issues and trying to manipulate things with that. With that billboard, there’s another good two years of life in it,” said Snover.
Snover is contradicting himself on the positive emails. The positives must be low volume because "negative" complaints have forced Snover take down the billboard. But the tea party crowd in Colorado, the ones with no money said--to quote Sen. Boehner--“Hell no, you won’t!
Anti-Obama billboard by Paul Snover: Racist and Homophobic? Tea Party supporter, editorial cartoonist, Paul Snover depicts Obama as a terrorist, gay, gangster, Mexican bandit
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. -- A controversial billboard in Grand Junction has been taken down. You may recall earlier this week, this billboard on I-70B near Clifton stirred a lot of reaction.
The billboard depicted President Obama as a terrorist, a mobster, an illegal immigrant, and a gay man. The billboard also showed the president gambling away items like the Bible and Constitution.
The artist and sign's owner received a lot of hate mail, and even death threats since the billboard was put up. So Friday morning, the image was quickly taken down.
And that's something local Tea Party advocates say they are upset about. The Grand Junction Tea Party chapter will be protesting the removal of the billboard Saturday afternoon. They are meeting in front of the Old County Courthouse in Grand Junction. The protest starts at 2:30 p.m. Saturday.
(Reprint from KJCT8.com News)