Friday, May 27, 2011

'Say it ain't so, Miss Scarlet! We fixing to be gone with the wind if that Mr. Perry run for president!'

Texas Gov. Rick Perry
“Say it ain’t so, Miss Scarlet! We fixin' to be gone with the wind again!”

“Don’t worry you little head, Prissy. It will never happen.”

“Okay, Miss Scarlet. I don’t know nothin' 'bout no politics! 
Another thing, Miss Scarlet, if I can ask you. How is Mr. Governor Perry gone pull Washington out the United States?  Miss Scarlet?"

"I declare, Prissy you come up with the silliest things. Don't worry.  The man is all smooth hair and no brain. He's the Prissy of politics. That's no reflection on you, Prissy."

"If you say so, Miss Scarlet. But I think you sayin' I'm stupid."

"Now, Prissy you know I wouldn't say that to your face."

"If you say so, Miss Scarlet. I still . . . " 

"Prissy. . . " 

"Yes ma'am, Miss Scarlet.  I can't help it. That don't sound right to me."

"I believe they call it stonewalling, Prissy. Politicians do it all the time."

"Yes, ma'am, Miss Scarlet. But your pappy said Mr. Governor Perry is windy as a sack full of farts."

"Prissy I declare.  Shoo on out of here and make me want a mint julep! I told you to stop listening to my poor ol' pappy. He'll say whatever crosses his mind."

"Oh. Lordy! Lordy Miss Scarlet! I tells you! That ain't right! We gone be gone with the wind!"

"Hush, Prissy! Calm yourself. Go help Natty birth that child she ready to have. I heard it's her time."

"Oh, no, Miss Scarlet! I can't help with birthin' no babies! I ain't no doctor, Miss Scarlet. Babies scare me! I'm fixin' to make you a mint julep like you tells me!'

"Prissy, what am I going to do with you? "

"I don't k rightly know, Miss Scarlet. You'll think of somethin', I reckon!"

"I declare you're giving me a headache." 

"Miss Scarlet you think Mr. Gov. Perry will get to be president . . . seeing he got a strong hate for all the folk in Washington?"

"Prissy, I'm going to tell you what my precious pappy would say: ' The governor's is so full of shit his eyes turned brown'. My poor ol' pappy did have a way with words."


"Oh, Miss Scarlet! Listen at how you talkin' . . . just like your pappy!"

"Hush your mouth, Prissy. Go on and help Natty . . ."

"But Miss Scarlet . . ."

"I know. You can't help with birthing babies.  Go help anyhow."

"If she keep her legs closed for a while .  .  .


"Yes ma'am. Fix your mint julep and birth a baby."

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