Sunday, March 20, 2011

A rubber-nosed woodpecker, Black youth picking farm crops, and no cash money for the poor and disabled in Minnesota

A New York Congressional candidate wants to bus unemployed inner city youth to farms to pick crops. They won't go to school, so bus then to the fields, is his attitude.

It seems that Republicans are more frustrated than a dog trying to bury a bone under a marble floor.  The apoplectic GOP is taking its anger out on welfare recipients and those on Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI). Republicans want folks on welfare to be poorer than they already are. They see no reason for them receiving public assistance. 

Republicans do not want the government to mail poor people those monthly checks. It's factually known that these deadbeats are only going to cash the checks, go shopping to buy expensive Michael Jordan tennis, go to strip clubs, buy cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol, crack cocaine, and top of the line cut steaks. And you  just know, without doubt, they are going to buy hip-hop music!

Republicans are sick and tired of the free give-away, and they are not going to have more of this high living at the expense of hardworking taxpayers! It's time Black folks work for the free government handouts and monthly checks.

These welfare slugs--all of whom are Democrats and Black--have no idea what it’s like to earn a living; no idea what it means to work hard like White folks, none of whom are on welfare. Why no self respecting Republican voter would be caught waiting for a monthly government check! Every worthwhile Republican in this country own homes, have at least two cars, checking and saving accounts, decent jobs. Republicans voters are doing great! That’s the American way. But those Democrats are a different story. They are the reason America is in the economic shape its in! Democrats are going to send America to hell in a bread basket if changes are not forth coming.

In Minnesota lunatic Michele Bachmann, and Republicans are stretching their attacks on the poor. They are stepping on the necks of disabled people. They want to make it illegal for freeloaders to get “emergency cash assistance.” Republicans want to make it a crime for  disabled and welfare recipients to have more than $20.00 in their pocket during any calendar month! After this proposed legislation becomes law, welfare and SSI recipients will be issued debits cards.

"This represents a change from their initial proposal, which banned them from having any money at all", writes reporter Ken Layhe.

My guess is if freeloaders, I mean recipients, have utilities and phone bills to pay they can just scratch them off their “luxury items” list. If the welfare bums, I mean recipients, refuse this deal they can get off the government dole and find jobs. There is plenty of work for anybody who wants to work.  Welfare recipients and the disabled folk just have to get off their backsides, look for work and fill out applications. Abracadabra! They will probably get hired on the spot, within a few days.

That easy, huh?

This is elephantine idea is like sending a rubber-nosed woodpecker into a one tree forest, expecting it to peck its heart out, getting no results. After a while the disadvantaged woodpecker realizes it has no good choices in this one tree forest. No all welfare recipients are able-bodied, capable of being productive employees. These are the rubber-noised woodpeckers in a forest to trees.

“So, the poorest families and the poorest disabled adults would be unable to take any of this money as cash, even though poor people by design are kept from having bank accounts or a checkbook, which is why they usually pay bills and rent in cash,” writes Ken Layhe in a piece titled Minnesota Republicans to Outlaw Poor People Having Money.

“House Bill 171 would make it so that families on MFIP – and disabled single adults on General Assistance and Minnesota Supplemental Aid – could not have their cash grants in cash or put into a checking account. Rather, they could only use a state-issued debit card at special terminals in certain businesses that are set up to accept the card,” Layhe writes.

The Layhe article reminds me of a candidate running for congress in New York. His name is Jack Davis, a tea partier. For their own reasons Republicans have refused to endorse him. They won't touch him with a 10 foot pole. Davis says if he is elected he will put Americans back to work! That sounds as good as tasty meatballs on a plate of spaghetti. It's also a good campaign promise minus the taste.

I was loving Davis's idea about putting people back to work until I read more of his platform. He said Mexican farm workers should be deported. He says they can be replaced with unemployed African American inner city youth, all of whom can be bussed to various farms to pick crops! He said they can expect to earn a fair wage, whatever that means. White kids were not mentioned. I guess it's a Black thing only.

I think all of this "let’s get poor folk legislation" is all about 2012, and getting poor folk so mad at President Obama they will switch parties and vote Republican. Republicans are determined to push the poor and disabled further down the well of poverty. They say, when in front of a media camera, “It’s President Obama’s fault. He’s trying to take away your rights. He works for Wall Street not Main Street. He doesn’t share our values. He wants to keep you poor!”

"Blame it on Obama” is the number one hit song on the Republican’s hit parade of favorite lies and other political mess.

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