Thursday, April 22, 2010

Show us the birth certificate!

Yesterday I called the Texas Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics in Austin, Texas to ask if an individual is given his/her original birth certificate upon request. My curiosity was peeked when I read that Republican Rep. Judy Burges, of Arizona is trying to get a birthers bill passed. The preliminary vote count was 31-22. The bill will have to undergo a formal vote before it goes to the Senate. Florida and Oklahoma pulled this prank and met with complete failure.

Arizona legislatures want all future presidential candidates to produce birth certificates if they want on the ballot. You do not have to be a mastermind to know this is about President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, and his right to be president. The tea party nitwits, the fruitcake politicians and copycat pundits are encouraging these people to act like ill-informed fools. They refuse to accept the president's birth certificate as posted online.

I never saw this kind of brouhaha about the birth place of any other president. No white man running for president has ever had to show his birth certificate, or show proof of his citizenship. If it happened, I must have been in a Rip Van Winkle type sleep, or in a self-induced coma.

If presidential candidate Hillary Clinton did not uncover evidence that Barack Obama is not an American born citizens–then there is no campaign Obama scandal waiting to be discovered. Clinton and her campaign looked under every rock, every bed, every closet, every closed door. They did a more than thorough job. I am sure John McCain conducted the same kind of search.

I think this pending Arizona Birthers Bill is silly. It is a waste of valuable time. But then, Republicans are good at wasting time. I keep looking at my calendar to remind myself that this is 2010, not 1810. In 1946 the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics designed a form for all states to utilize when recording a birth; however, the states were not obligated to use it. Each state was free to design its own form.

Birth certificates are titled (a) Certificate of Birth; (b) Certificate of Live Birth or (c) Certificate of Birth Registration. I have my Certificate of Birth. Not the original, a copy. I could not get the original even if I went to court, demanding that Texas not deny me the original certificate. Is it not my right to have the original certificate if I want it? Allow me to answer my own question: A resounding No! I do not have a right to the original. If I lose my photocopied copy, I can always get another one. If I had the original, lost it, how would I make a copy? Life as I know it would complicated. When a state agency ask to see proof of my age, place of birth, and if I am a citizen of the U.S., where is my proof? Word of mouth from friends and relatives won't cut it. I couldn't say: "Trust me. I am an American born citizen."

Before states were required to record births there were no official records prior to 1914. If you have researched your genealogy, you probably discovered that many of your ancestors’ birth dates were not officially recorded. Where your ancestors were born and their ages becomes a guessing game. Not having this vital information complicates your search. So it makes sense that original birth certificates not be issued to individuals, but remain with state registrars.

To state it simply–at least in my mind–the original birth certificate is the only tangible proof of where you were born, the hospital, the doctor, the parents, the time, family address, occupation of parents, their ages, mother’s maiden name (if married) and a state seal. Years ago in Austin a baby's birth was announced in the local newspapers if the couple was married; the same as President Obama’s birth announcement. Parents cannot stage these newspaper announcements decades in advance, foreseeing their adult son or daughter might run president of the U.S.

An employee at Vital Statics told me that no one gets original records of any kind. The State of Texas is in charge of those records, but upon request the individual, or an authorized individual can obtain a copy of a birth certificate. She explained the kinds of paper the copy is printed on, which has the Texas seal. She said she could not speak for other states, but she was sure no one was granted an original birth certificate.

All this birthers trash talking is about an African American holding the highest office in the history of the United States. His victory was not supposed to happen. Only white men win the presidency in America. That is this country’s history. Southern birthers are going insane. Needless to say, their propagandizing, hate talk and the shrill punditry began long before the 2008 election. Baseless accusations against candidate Obama has always been wildly out of control. As of 2010, the lies have gotten bigger.

But, and that is a big hypothetical but-- if muckrakers can prove Obama’s presidency is illegitimate because of the birth question, that will assure the ankle kickers that their suspicions, racism and hatred is justified. The next step will be to protest against everything President Obama has done since he has been in office. That proof will be reason to dismantle all legislation with his signature on it. No repeal. Just nullify.

Obama haters want an excuse to delete the election and his presidency. That is what they are aiming for with a blessing from the media. If this were to occur-- the deletion of Obama's presidency-- the unfolding event would be a magic victory for tea party Kool-Aid drinkers. Alas, they will find their lost freedom (that was never left). A battered, disregarded Constitution will find new life.

Those senior citizens who are not getting Medicare, Medicaid and VA checks can hang onto their right not to purchase big government run medical insurance. No more socialism, "Obamacare" and apologizing for America’s sins. Older citizens will be safe from government death panels and fatal pills. Health care law suits will vanish like a Houdini illusion. Presidential candidates won’t have to produce birth certificates. America will be true America again with the socialist black guy gone. Every thing will return to "normal" when the next white guy is elected president. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be in America? You betcha!

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